Some Manhattan Rotary Club History
By J.T. Willard1
The Manhattan Rotary Club was organized through the effort of representatives of the old Eleventh District of Rotary which included parts of Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. The rotary clubs of the country were generously contributing towards providing social and recreational facilities for soldiers who were in several military posts and camps of the country, and to promote this service urged organizations of clubs at Junction City and Manhattan. Manhattan citizens had done what they could in this field with very inadequate facilities. Interest in a Rotary Club to support this work was created by the proposal of the district to contribute generously to a fund for the erection of a suitable building. A meeting of six men and District Governor Charles W. Dawson was held on September 5, 1917, and on September 26, a final organization meeting was held with the governor in the chair and fifteen chartered members. The application was made for affiliation with the International Association of Rotary Clubs, and a charter was granted dated November 1, 1917.
Manhattan Rotary Club: A century of service posted in the Manhattan Mercury newspaper. You can read the article at this link.
Chartered Members
Club #335
Charter List made up September 26, 1917
First Regular meeting October 25, 1917
Charter granted November 01, 1917
Barnes, F.B.
Director of Recreation
Baker, Cecil F
Professor Architecture
Brewer, H.W.  
Books and Stationery
Gift, Elmer B.
Superintendent of Schools
Heartburg, C.E
Flour Milling
Hamilton, J.O.
Head PHYSICS Dept. Kansas State College
Hull, Bret R.   
Retail Hardware
Jones, J.C.
Secretary Commercial Club
Johnson, Clarence
Building Contractor
Knostman, Ed J.
Men’s Clothing
Marshall J.J.
Potter A.A.
Mechanical Engineering
Scott, Charles A.
Florist and Nursery
Smith, B.W.2
Real Estate
Smith Robert, C.
Wolf, Max
  1. Willard Hall completed in 19939 and named for Dr. Julius T. Willard, Class of 1883, Acting President Kansas State Agriculture College (May – September 1914 and January – March 1918), Vice President, 1918-1935. University Historian 36-1950. Born April 9, 1862, Wabaunsee, Kansas. Died July 26, 1950, Manhattan, Kansas
  2. While the name of B. W. Smith dos not appear among the charter members he should be recognized as such. Due to misunderstanding as to classification, two real estate dealers being present at the time the charter members were listed, they both withdrew in the favor of the other, hence his name does not appear until later. The charter list was prepared at the meeting September 26, 1917. Between that date and November 1, 1917, the date of issuance of the charter, several additional members were taken into the club but their names do not appear on the charter. November 1, 1917.