Project History
2022 - 2023
Receiving the $15,000 Save the Children Grant, distributing more than 10,000 books and Clorox wipes to libraries, public schools and nonprofit organization broadening the partnership to cover all 12 counties served by the North Central Kansas Library System. The Club received the Literacy Award from the Basic Education and Literacy Rotary Action Group (BELRAG). Rotarian and project lead, Jennifer Francois accepted the certificate and the check for $500 to be used towards improving literacy.
Under the direction of the past District Governor, Vern Henricks, the club embarked on the "Love the Little Apple Project” later renamed Community Cares Chest. In collaboration with the Overland Park Rotary Club and Feed the Hungry, the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation, Konza United Way, and the Manhattan University Christian Church, the Club receives pallets of products (alcohol wipes, deodorant, perfume, makeup, detergent and more). Club members staff the facility and encourage local and regional nonprofits to shop for products that serves their clientele.
2021 - 2022
Receiving the $10,000 Save the Children Grant to increase exposure to books for children ages 0 to 5, distributing more than 7,000 books to libraries, public schools and nonprofit organization within a 6-county region (Clay, Geary, Marshall, Pottawatomie, Riley, Wabaunsee and Washington). Joining with Konza United Way to expand membership in Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. With the Konza Club, hosting a clean-up day on the grounds of Homestead Ministry.
2020 - 2021
In conjunction with the Konza Rotary Club, organizing a Peace Art Contest. Award recipients received scholarships for art classes to the Manhattan Arts Center. Scholarships were funded by a grant from the Greater Community Foundation. Removing seven tons of battery casings from the Kansas River. Adopting-A-Boat ramp at 177 and Fairmont for cleanup along the Kansas River. Sprucing up the President’s residence on the K-State campus with a blue spruce on Arbor Day.
2019 - 2020
Planting and maintaining over 100 trees in Northeast Community Park.
2017 - 2018
Planting of more than 400 trees and saplings around Manhattan; Preparation of 700 safe birthing kits for distribution by partner Rotary clubs in underdeveloped countries; (With Manhattan Konza Rotary Club) initiation of Peace Essay Contest for high school students in Manhattan and surrounding communities.
2014 - 2015
Landscaping of Ogden Elementary School.
2013 - 2014
(With Manhattan Konza Rotary Club) hosting of regional Rotary Peace Forums.
2007 - 2008
The raising of more than $32,000 for relief efforts following the disastrous Greensburg tornado (Rotary District 5710 - Northeast Kansas - donated a total of more than $75,000). Manhattan Rotary Club celebrated its 90th anniversary by funding a clean-water project in Uganda that is still operational, with support from another U.S. club, respective Rotary districts, and the Rotary Foundation.
Creation of Manhattan welcome sign on K-177 and K-18.
(With support of a matching grant from Rotary International) purchase of physical therapy equipment for four children's hospitals in Minsk, Belarus, for treatment of children with birth defects suffered from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of April, 1986.
1993 - 2000
(In cooperation with the KSU-Manhattan Rotaract Club, Rotary International, and the KSU Community Service International Teams) support for teams working in India, Paraguay, Turkey, and numerous other countries around the world.
1984 - 2000
(In partnership with Master Teacher and Kansas State University) hosting annual Rotary Leadership Conferences for high school students throughout Kansas and several other states.
Creation of a Manhattan Airport welcome sign.
Landscaping at Manhattan Airport; Girl Scout Little House dedication on Sunset Avenue.
Provision of funds for an addition to the Girl Scout Little House on Sunset Avenue.
Construction of transportation shelters for soldiers at City Park on Poyntz and at Memorial Hospital on Sunset Avenue.
Development of a Rock Garden in City Park.
Planting and maintaining shrubs and flowers in a center median on Poyntz Avenue between 11th and 12th streets.
Sponsorship of the first boys' baseball league in Manhattan, believed to be one of the first such baseball leagues in the United States.
Improvement of Manhattan's water supply.